Monday, December 13, 2010

i've learned a lot and frankly speaking there's a vas deferens between men and women. everybody's different, but in a general way they think completely differently - so differently, that they have a lot of trouble communicating.

it stems from differing physiology in combination with different cerebral wiring. namely the cerebral wiring concerns a wider corpus callosum. the overall tone of their bodies is different too, and this isn't just appearance - body and psyche are one.


...this is of course a reduction of the truth, and it's not clear why the two hemispheres act in different ways, e.g. what neurochemical mechanism regulates this difference, or is it simply a tack that the spirit uses by somehow dividing the two hemispheres into complimentary modalities to serve a purpose, which itself may be related to solving an even deeper problem in the human cogniscium?
actually, i'm not clear on *how* the difference arises, but i'll respect the difference, because it paves way for male-vs.-female modalities..


the difference between males and females, cerebrally, has to do with the width of the corpus callosum, which is the link between two hemispheres of the brain, right and left.  it's a link of neurons, but it's just not that wide in comparison to the brain in its entirety..


there are many other vast differences between male and female psychology, habitual nature, and physiology.  a short-cut to looking at this is to realize that the body is actually an *aspect* of the self and not to be taken distinctly from the mind.  the mind, of course, is not the ultimate tier of one's essence but it's related.

now, look at the difference between male and female bodies, and you can see that the overall characteristic or 'tone' is different; even the *name* of sexuality is shown differently re the two forms.. think about classical music and old paintings, and wonder if you can sense aesthetically, and then try and see if you can apply that to human forms..

and that's for the people who can't simply read feelings, intentions and/or even auras.


what i'm really saying here is that the male/female dichotomy is real, and those denying it have their head somewhere in their own assholes in a place where i can't see.

it's like PC taken to the ultimate extreme where not only do you deny color, but you deny the sexual tension that makes romance for real..

it's okay to be butch, it's okay to be les, it's okay to be bicurious, that's not my point.. it's quite okay even to be androgynous (omg they're cute), and even intentionally so (though i don't *personally* favor it when the females do bald..)

my point is that if you think that androgyny is the way of the future, and especially if you try to espouse this concept onto other people.. this is kinda why I say I can kill the spaces between people where ideas dwell.

-Sol, probably.

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