Monday, December 13, 2010

Yes, there are other cultures in the Universe.

Yes, I know a little bit about some of them..

Yes, panspermia is a valid theory.  Yes, I know some things about physics & biology..

But about the other cultures..

One of them houses billions of people without a problem.  I don't know how they do it, but it involves very large buildings somehow..
I know a liiittle bit about their #economical system.   It doesn't mean that this is a prescription for us to live by; it's just a true-to-life example for inspiration..
Their system is not quite capitalism.  It's more like socialism or, perhaps even more accurately, a type of communism but now we're using words.
They have two large companies, who produce everything.  People get an allotted amount of money to spend, and transportation, etc.
The reason for having the 2 companies is that that way they can compete with each other.  Obviously, they're not completely idiotic #maniacs, so they don't compete with each other using advertisement-battles..
The two companies' products are routinely reviewed by a third-party counsel.  That's how their competition is rendered manifest.  Who hires the third-party counsel and yadda-yadda?  Shrug.. who knows.  Murphy's law doesn't apply in all worlds... ;)

Naturally, in today's world we're addicted to products that serve little purpose and last for a little time.  For example, earlier iPhones (made by Apple..) purposely had batteries that would quit after 2 years, and the backing couldn't come off to replace them.  Just look at how many things are made out of plastic, in general. a) it doesn't last as long, b) it requires oil to produce, c) most of it virtually never disintegrates, and d) it has the aura of a dead cat and looks just as well..

In their society, their cars are communal property, and they last approximately 100 years.

Interestingly, they can also display psychical data on a screen and teach people.  I also believe they're humanoids who are about the same size and probably blue.

But that's the only one I know of *specifically*.

In general, other societies on other planets are much more 'advanced' than we are.  Now that term is obviously a loaded weapon, because we humans have so many issues regarding who's more advanced or whatever other correlative ideas go with that...but mainly with each other at the time being.  What I'm saying is basically that they're more advanced because they know how to live life well, and yes, lots of people on Earth do, and lots of people will even claim they're happy.. but they've learned to do it on a *societal* level.

In these societies (and they might not be *perfectly* advanced like God-in-multiplicity-in-motion, so it's just a story-guide..), they have no laws and when somebody does something 'wrong' (this is a term they likely wouldn't relate to unless they'd even heard of us and then communicated a little with someone or his whole group of friends from our planet..), they simply "cause" the offender to be made aware of the consequences of his decision or untamed or otherwise foul action.  What's meant by "cause" here i don't know, but i speculate that it varies from planet to planet and that's why the word here was left vague.

That's all I know about these cultures.

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